C'est parti

C'est parti

dimanche 21 octobre 2007


Le froid!!

petite subtilité ce matin...
première neige, et le lac (vu de l'autre rive d'ou j'habite) avait commencé a gelé

Sortons les doudounes!!!

A bientot

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1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Hei, long time no written to U. Lucky you, you have some snow already. Here it's raining for now. I'm ready to do some skiing.
I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to Jyvaskyla (!)and to the Museum. For me it's work work work but sometimes I get to have fun with my friends, and I try to go to St-Hilaire sometimes, before Henri leaves for India. So I wish U well and C U soon.
Your Queen Corinne